Monday, 5 April 2010

Hormone treatment - mind and matter!

The treatment I am having so far is called an androgen blockade. This is designed to cut off the production of male sex hormones with the hope of shrinking and slowing the growth and spread of the cancer cells. In the past this was acheived by castration and this still remains a posibility further down the line. The tablets and injections are categorized as chemical castration and the thought of having this treatment is not a happy one for the average male. This is a similar treatment that is offered to some American sex offenders and you cannot avoid being affected both emotionally and physically.

My wife is very understanding over my concerns which typically are far more important to a man than a woman. Her response has been that I have "had a good run". I am grateful that this is true but it is difficult to realise that something you hold dear may have come to an end.

The all too obvious effects of impotency have increased as the days have gone by and the refusal of my "equipment" to perform is not yet in tune with what my mind wants.This may sound like the least I should be worried about given a life threatening condition but the fact is at the moment it is the main thing to occupy my thoughts given the fact I am not in pain and do not yet have a prognosis.

Typical man,thinking about sex six times every hour (Prince Charles quote).

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