Monday 5 April 2010

First hormone implant

Its the day after the second MRI scan and a trip to my home doctor for the first hormone injection. This is given in the stomach and was painless. I laid horizontally on the couch,loosened my belt and was given a local pain killing injection. Then the actual implant was injected and I didn't feel a thing. Nor could I feel anything under the skin afterwards.

This dose is for 4 weeks and then I am to switch to three montly injections. The initial course of tablets stop in two weeks and are to prevent this injection causing tumor flare. As I understand it the injection causes a temporary spike in testosterone (opposite to what is required) and this can cause the tumor to flare or cause pain in any areas it may have spread into,commonly the bones.

I book one more blood test as it is back to the urologist on 6th April. He will announce the scan results and hopes the blood test will indicate that the hormone treatment so far will have resulted in a PSA score down to single figures.

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