Saturday, 5 June 2010

Planning visit for radiotherapy

Over to Quuen Alexandra hospital near Cosham to the Oncolgy Dept. to "plan" the radiotherapy treatment. This is to ensure that the X-rays are targeted to the same area each time.
This was achieved by CT scanner (not scary like the MRI was) but consisting of a doughnut shaped machine only a few feet wide with quite a bit of headroom so not claustrophobic at all.
I was asked to lie down on the table and lower my trousers and underpants below my hips and three marks were drawn on my skin in the pelvic area. The ladies attending then left the room and I was moved back and forth though the machine. All went quiet and I began to suspect things were not quite right. The ladies entered the room and asked me if I felt I needed to go to the toilet. Before attending I had been asked to empty my bladder 1 hour before arrival and to then drink at least 375 mls of water as the scanning and subsequent treatment requires a full bladder. I had done all this plus had been twice for a "number 2". Not enough apparently for my bowel was still full with a stool pressing on and deforming the prostate gland! (I did say this was to be a personal account!)
So I was packed off to the toilet to go again and as the nurse said it was impossible to do the one without the other so there was a further delay while I drank more water and waited for my bladder to refill.
The repeat proceedure went smoothly and the pen marks were replaced with small tattooes that would guide and align the machine during future sessions.
Back in 2 weeks time for a simulation - a dummy run on the machine to make sure everything is set up correctly.
I did say this blog would be about viagra but the appointment with the erectile dysfunction nurse is next week (obviously a lot of demand?) so more on that matter soon.

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